You will be sore.  You may think you need to rest before you come back or you may think you are just too sore, but you would be wrong!  The best thing you can do if you are sore is to get your body moving again.  It's going to be hard.  You may feel akward.  You probably won't "get it" right away, but don't give up!   Just remember everybody starts out that way.  Everyone was a beginner once at something.  Our workouts are intense.  But they are also universally scalable.  You may be doing a workout where the guy next to you is using twice the weight you are, but by the end of the workout you are both on the ground equally exhausted.  Your only competition is yourself and how hard you push.  We time or count reps for everything and post them in the comments for the day's workout.  This way, when we do that workout again at sometime in the future, you have a goal time to beat. If you do one workout in 4 minutes then 8 weeks later you do it again in 6 minutes, your fitness has increased.

We are always changing our workout structure. Keeping it constantly varied increases fitness. We will always be working on a skill, having a strength movement for most days (i.e squat 3x3, deadlift 5x2) and a workout.  The workout will include compound functional movements mixed with metabolic conditioning. What does that mean?  We may lift some heavy stuff repeadeatly, jump on some stuff, go run and come back and do it 5 more times.